What is the Meaning of TESDA – Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
TESDA, which stands for Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, is indeed a significant and highly functional agency of the Philippine Government. It plays a crucial role in providing education and training opportunities to Filipinos, aiming to enhance their technical skills and improve employability.
Established in 1994, TESDA’s primary mission is to develop the technical competencies of its students. One of the notable features of TESDA is its provision of free education through online courses as well as practical training. What is the Meaning of TESDA – Technical Education and Skills Development Authority This enables Filipinos from various backgrounds to access valuable learning opportunities and acquire skills in a wide range of fields.
TESDA offers a diverse array of courses to cater to different interests and industries. Some of the courses provided by TESDA include:
- Digital Courses
- Automotive Courses
- Business and Management Courses
- Driving Courses
- Hotel-Restaurant-Culinary and Food Management Courses
- Advance Eskrima Language Courses
- Aircraft and Aviation Courses
- Cosmetology and Beauty Care Courses
- Electronics and Electrical Courses
- Caregiver Courses
- Computer Related and Software Development Courses
- Building Construction and Welding Courses
- Call Center and Contact Center Services Courses
- Dental Technology Courses
- Entrepreneurship and Management Courses
- Health Care and Medical Related Courses
- Heavy Equipment Operation Courses
- Household Services and Housekeeping Courses
- Industrial and Manufacturing Courses
- Refrigeration and Airconditioning Courses
- Trainer Qualification Courses
Upon completion of the courses, TESDA also awards National Certificates (NC) and Certificates of Competency (COC) to students who successfully pass the designated assessments. These certificates hold recognition both within the Philippines and internationally, as they are acknowledged by companies as qualifications for various job positions.
Overall, TESDA plays a vital role in promoting skills development, enhancing employability, and bridging the gap between education and industry requirements in the Philippines.
What is the meaning of TESDA?
TESDA, the acronym for Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, is an organization that focuses on the development and enhancement of technical education and skills in the Philippines. It was established to address the country’s need for a skilled workforce and to promote technical vocational education and training (TVET) as a viable career path.
TESDA plays a vital role in formulating manpower and skills plans, setting standards for skills and competencies, conducting skills assessments and tests, coordinating and monitoring manpower policies and programs, and providing policy directions and guidelines for resource allocation in TVET institutions, both in the private and public sectors.
Over time, TESDA has evolved into a responsive, effective, and efficient organization, committed to providing a wide range of services to its clients. To achieve its multifaceted mission, the TESDA Board formulates strategies and programs that aim to have the greatest impact on manpower development across various areas, industry sectors, and educational institutions.
These strategies and programs may include:
- Skills Training and Development: TESDA offers a diverse range of skills training programs and courses to equip individuals with the necessary competencies for employment or entrepreneurship. These programs cover various sectors such as agriculture, automotive, construction, information technology, tourism, and many others.
- Skills Standards and Certification: TESDA develops and maintains skills standards to ensure the quality and relevance of TVET programs. It also conducts skills assessment and certification to validate an individual’s competencies based on the established standards. This certification serves as a recognized credential for employment both locally and internationally.
- TVET Institutions and Programs Accreditation: TESDA accredits TVET institutions, including vocational schools, technical institutes, and training centers, to ensure they meet the required standards in delivering quality education and training. Accreditation helps in establishing credibility and provides assurance to students and employers.
- Industry Partnerships: TESDA collaborates with various industries to align its training programs with industry needs and demands. This ensures that graduates of TVET programs are equipped with skills that are in-demand in the job market, enhancing their employability and contributing to the overall economic development of the country.
- Scholarship and Financial Assistance: TESDA provides scholarships and financial assistance to deserving individuals who may not have the means to pursue TVET programs. These initiatives aim to make education and training accessible to a wider range of people, promoting inclusivity and equal opportunities.
- International Cooperation: TESDA engages in international partnerships and collaborations to promote the exchange of best practices, knowledge sharing, and capacity building in TVET. This helps TESDA stay updated with global trends and standards and enhances the international recognition of Filipino skilled workers.
Overall, TESDA’s role is crucial in developing a competent and globally competitive workforce in the Philippines. By focusing on technical education and skills development, TESDA contributes to reducing unemployment, addressing skills gaps, and supporting economic growth and social development in the country.
Purpose of TESDA
- Facilitate the integration, coordination, and monitoring of skills development programs.
- Reorganize and enhance initiatives aimed at promoting and nurturing middle-level manpower.
- Authorize skills standards and assessments.
- Establish an accreditation framework for institutions involved in middle-level manpower development.
- Allocate funds for technical education and skills development programs and projects.
- Provide support to trainers involved in training programs.
Please note that the paraphrased version may not capture the complete context of the original text, but it reflects the main ideas in a rephrased manner.
How to Apply for TESDA Assessment
STEP 1: Apply for assessment at any TESDA Accredited Assessment Center/TESDA District or Provincial Office near you (See List Here).
STEP 2: Submit the following:
- Form of Application duly completed;
- Self-Assessment Guide for your selected qualification properly and filled out;
- Three (3) passport-sized colored and formal attire picture with a white background.
STEP 3: Pay the Assessment Fee at the Assessment Center Cashier to receive an official receipt and admission slip.
STEP 4: Attend the designated date and location of the evaluation as specified on the Admission Slip.
STEP 5: Get your Competency Assessment Result Summary (CARS) at the assessment center.
STEP 6: Assessment passers must apply for certification at the TESDA District/Provincial Office in the jurisdiction of the assessment center/venue.
STEP 7: Assessment passers can get a National Certificate (NC)/Certificate of Competency (COC) 7 working days after submitting their application.
The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) was established through the enactment of Republic Act No. 7796, commonly known as the “Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 1994.” This legislation was signed into law on August 25, 1994, by President Fidel V. Ramos. The main objective of TESDA is to promote and mobilize collaboration among businesses, labor organizations, local government units, and technical-vocational institutions in order to enhance the human resources of the Philippines.
The creation of TESDA aimed to prevent redundancy and overlapping in skill development programs implemented by various public and private entities. It also sought to provide a unified direction for the country’s technical-vocational education and training (TVET) system. As part of its mission, TESDA formulated a comprehensive development plan for individuals in the middle-level workforce, which is based on the National Technical Education and Skills Development Plan. This plan serves as a framework to guide the development and implementation of TVET programs nationwide.
Functions and Responsibilities
- Formulate a skills development plan
- Involve industry/employers in skills training
- Reform the apprenticeship program
- Devolve training functions to local governments
- Develop and administer training incentives
- Organize skills competitions
- Manage skills development funds
List of TESDA Programs
TVET Programs
TESDA (Technical Education and Skills Development Authority) continues to prioritize the implementation of various training programs to ensure equal access and provision of Technical Education and Skills Development (TESD) programs to the growing TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) clientele. There are four types of training programs that TESDA offers:
- School-Based Training: This type of training is conducted in TESDA-administered schools. These schools, which number 57, provide structured programs and courses to students who want to acquire technical and vocational skills. The training is conducted within a school setting, and students receive instruction from qualified trainers and educators.
- Center-Based Training: TESDA operates 60 training centers throughout the country. Center-based training programs offer a variety of courses and skill development opportunities in specific fields. These centers are equipped with the necessary facilities and equipment to provide hands-on training to learners.
- Community-Based Training: TESDA collaborates with Local Government Units (LGUs) to provide community-based training programs. These programs aim to bring training and skills development opportunities closer to the communities, particularly in areas where access to formal training institutions may be limited. Community-based training can be conducted in community centers, barangay halls, or other suitable venues within the community.
- Enterprise-Based Training: TESDA also facilitates training programs in partnership with enterprises through the Dual Training System (DTS) or apprenticeship programs. In this type of training, learners receive on-the-job training and guidance from experienced industry professionals within an enterprise. This allows them to acquire practical skills and experience in a real work environment.
By offering these diverse training programs, TESDA aims to cater to the different needs and preferences of individuals seeking technical and vocational skills development. The provision of infrastructure, including schools, training centers, and partnerships with enterprises and LGUs, enables TESDA to deliver training programs effectively and reach a wider audience.
Competency Standards Development
The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) has developed competency criteria for skilled professionals at the middle level. These criteria are defined as competency units, which consist of descriptors outlining the expected level of work performance. These competency units are then grouped together to form qualifications that are relevant to key jobs and occupations in priority industry sectors.
The aim of creating these competency criteria is to ensure that skilled professionals possess the necessary knowledge and skills to meet the demands of the workforce. By defining the competencies required for specific job roles, TESDA helps individuals understand the expectations and requirements of their chosen profession.
Moreover, these qualifications are designed to align with priority industry areas, which are sectors considered crucial for economic development and growth. By focusing on these priority industries, TESDA aims to provide skilled professionals who can contribute to the advancement of these sectors.
The development of competency criteria and qualifications by TESDA serves as a framework for training and assessment. It provides a standardized and structured approach to skills development, ensuring that professionals in the middle level are equipped with the necessary competencies to perform their jobs effectively.
Overall, TESDA’s creation of competency criteria for skilled professionals in the middle level, bundled into qualifications, aims to promote a highly skilled workforce that can meet the demands of priority industry areas and contribute to economic progress.
Competency Assessment and Certification
The Philippine TVET Competency Assessment and Certification System, implemented by TESDA (Technical Education and Skills Development Authority), is designed to assess and certify the competencies of middle-level skilled professionals. The system aims to determine if graduates or workers possess the necessary skills to perform at the expected levels in their respective jobs.
The assessment process is based on established competency requirements, which serve as benchmarks for evaluating the knowledge, skills, and abilities of individuals. Through various assessment methods, such as practical exams, written tests, and interviews, the system evaluates the candidates’ capabilities and determines their competence in specific occupational areas.
Upon successfully meeting the competency standards, individuals are granted certification. This certification serves as an official recognition of their skills and verifies their ability to perform effectively in their chosen profession. It assures employers and industries that certified workers possess the required expertise and can contribute to productivity, maintain quality standards, and compete globally.
By implementing the TVET Competency Assessment and Certification System, TESDA aims to enhance the overall quality and standardization of middle-level workers in the Philippines. The system provides a reliable means to assess and validate skills, ensuring that the workforce meets the demands of industries and remains competitive in both local and international markets.
Program Registration and Accreditation
The registration of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programs with TESDA is completed through program registration in UTPRAS. This system ensures that Technical Vocational Institutions (TVIs) fulfill the minimum requirements specified in the training regulations set by TESDA. These requirements encompass various aspects such as curricular programs, qualifications of faculty and staff, physical sites and facilities, tools, equipment, supplies and materials, and other similar prerequisites. It is only after meeting these requirements that the government authority is granted to the TVI to offer or undertake technical vocational education programs.
Prior to offering a program, a TVET institution must fulfill the registration requirements. Once all the necessary conditions are met, the institution is issued a Certificate of Program Registration (CoPR), and the program is officially included in the TESDA Compendium of Registered Programs. This inclusion signifies that the program meets the standards set by TESDA and is authorized to be offered by the TVI.
National TESD Plan
The NTESDP 2018-2022 outlines five key objectives aimed at addressing various problem areas and challenges in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector:
- Create a favorable and enabling environment for the TVET sector’s development and quality service delivery: This objective focuses on establishing supportive policies, regulations, and infrastructure to foster the growth and improvement of the TVET sector. It aims to enhance the overall quality of TVET programs and services provided to learners.
- Prepare the Philippine workforce for the problems posed by the Fourth Industrial Revolution: With the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, new technologies and automation are reshaping industries and job markets. This objective aims to equip the Philippine workforce with the necessary skills and competencies to adapt to these changes. It emphasizes the need for upskilling and reskilling programs to ensure workers are prepared for the evolving job requirements.
- Assure industries with high economic and employment growth potential and provide them with the necessary number of quality labor: This objective focuses on aligning TVET programs with the needs of industries that have significant economic and employment growth potential. It aims to bridge the gap between industry demands and the availability of skilled workers by providing a competent and sufficient labor force to support these industries.
- Address the manpower needs of the fundamental sectors and the underserved more directly and forcefully: This objective aims to address the specific manpower requirements of sectors that are essential for the country’s development but may have been underserved in the past. It seeks to enhance access to quality TVET programs and services for individuals in these sectors, ensuring that they have equal opportunities for skills development and employment.
- Instill values and integrity in the entire sector’s conduct and delivery of TVET: This objective emphasizes the importance of ethics, professionalism, and integrity in the TVET sector. It aims to promote a culture of values-driven education and training, ensuring that all stakeholders involved in the delivery of TVET programs uphold high standards of conduct and service.
By pursuing these objectives, the NTESDP 2018-2022 aims to enhance the quality and relevance of TVET in the Philippines, better align it with industry needs, and prepare the workforce for the challenges and opportunities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Training Regulations
The Training Regulations (TR) are a set of regulations issued by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) that provide the framework for developing competency-based curricula, instructional materials, and competency assessment systems. These regulations serve as the foundation for establishing national qualifications in various fields.
The TR defines the competency standards required for a specific qualification. Competency standards outline the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that individuals need to possess to perform effectively in a particular job or occupation. These standards are developed based on industry requirements and consultation with relevant stakeholders.
In addition to defining competency standards, the TR also specifies the process by which individuals can obtain the qualification. This typically involves a combination of formal training, work experience, and assessment. The TR may outline the specific units of competency that need to be completed, the required duration of training, and any other criteria for obtaining the qualification.
Furthermore, the TR guides the assessment of competencies. It describes the methods, tools, and techniques that can be used to assess an individual’s competency levels. This ensures that individuals who seek the qualification are evaluated fairly and consistently according to the established standards.
Lastly, the TR addresses the recognition of the national qualification. It outlines the procedures for issuing certificates or credentials to individuals who have successfully met the competency standards. This recognition serves as evidence of the individual’s competence in a particular field and can be used for employment purposes or further career advancement.
Overall, the Training Regulations serve as a comprehensive guide for the development, assessment, and recognition of competency-based qualifications in various industries. They provide a standardized framework that helps ensure the quality and consistency of training and assessment processes, ultimately contributing to the improvement of the country’s workforce.
Competency Standards
Competency requirements as the foundation for the curriculum for training and evaluation of certification competencies.
TESDA Online Program
which features details about the TESDA Online Program:
It seems that you are providing information about the changes in education during the pandemic, specifically related to the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) in the Philippines. TESDA has introduced online programs to allow Filipinos to study and learn from home. These online programs are provided free of charge. Upon completion of an online course, students can obtain a Certificate of Completion (COC) from TESDA, which can be used as a credential in the future. For those who wish to further their education, TESDA offers evaluations at their accredited centers. If students pass the demos and examinations, they will receive an NC II certification.
To register for these online programs, you can visit the website https://e-tesda.gov.ph/. Please note that the information provided is based on the text you shared, and it is always a good idea to visit the official TESDA website for the most up-to-date and accurate information.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please see some common FAQs about the TESDA agency:
1. What is competency assessment?
It is the process of gathering evidence and determining if competency has been attained. It focuses on evaluating an individual’s abilities, knowledge, attitude, and work values about a unit or cluster of competency units.
2. How to get an assessment and certification from TESDA?
With the promulgation of Training Regulations, TESDA implements evaluation and certification for all qualifications.
The Training Regulation establishes the information, abilities, attitudes/values, and behaviors required for competent workplace performance. The competency standards, as stated in the applicable Training Regulations, shall serve as the starting point for all appropriate qualifications, assessments, and certifications in all industry sectors.
3. Who is qualified for TESDA Assessment?
Students, workers, and anyone else who wishes to know what degree of qualification they have.
4. What are the requirements for the assessment?
a. Application Form, duly completed
b. Three (3) passport-sized photographs, each with a name inscribed on the back.
c. Self-Assessment Guide That Has Been Completed
5. Is TESDA assessment free?
The assessment fee is determined by a list of fees established by the TESDA Board and approved by the National Economic Development Authority.
6. What do you mean by NC and COC?
When a candidate has proved competence in all units of competency that comprised a Qualification, a National Certificate is provided.
Individuals who have satisfactorily proven competence on a specific or cluster of competency units are awarded a Certificate of Competency.
7. Do NC and COC expire?
Yes, the NC or COC is valid for only five (5) years.
Absolutely! Learning and acquiring new skills is a valuable investment in oneself. In today’s digital age, there are numerous options available for individuals to learn and develop their skills, both through online courses and face-to-face classes.
TESDA (Technical Education and Skills Development Authority) is an excellent resource for individuals who wish to enhance their skills in various fields. What is the Meaning of TESDA – Technical Education and Skills Development AuthorityTESDA offers a wide range of vocational courses and training programs that cater to different interests and career paths. Whether you aspire to become a professional baker, programmer, hairstylist, or pursue any other skill-based occupation, TESDA can provide the necessary training and certification.
By enrolling in TESDA courses, you can gain the knowledge, practical experience, and industry-standard skills required to excel in your chosen field. These courses are designed to equip learners with the essential competencies and technical know-how, enabling them to enhance their career prospects and potentially increase their earning potential.
Moreover, TESDA courses are often structured to be accessible and flexible, accommodating individuals with varying schedules and preferences. Whether you prefer online learning or prefer a more traditional classroom setting, TESDA strives to provide options that suit your needs.
Investing in yourself through TESDA courses can open up new opportunities, boost your confidence, and help you stay competitive in the job market. It’s never too late to embark on a learning journey and acquire new skills that align with your interests and aspirations. So, if you have a passion for baking, programming, hairstyling, or any other field, TESDA can certainly support you in achieving your goals.
Contact Information
Main Office Address: TESDA Complex East Service Rd. South Superhighway, Taguig, Metro-Manila.
Telephone Number: 8815-3622 / 8818-8829 / 8893-2454
Website: https://tesda.gov.ph/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/TESDAOfficial